Essay helping others
Dealing With Rejection College Essay Topic
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Race Conflict in “Remember the Titans†Essay
In the film Remember the Titans Gerry and Julius attempted to defeat racial issues and in the end settled their superfluous clash. They came to build up a stunning companionship based on trust and regard. They in the long run figured out how to welcome the significance of believing a man for who they are as an individual as opposed to the shade of their skin. Right off the bat in the film Gerry and Julius would not recognize each other, they resembled adversaries. At the point when they took a gander at one another it was with both disdain and dread. The two of them experienced their own different lives, with their own race, and would not connect with the other. In the event that they conveyed in a common way with the other race it resembled submitting a terrible sin. They rewarded each other with such obliviousness and scorn. They couldn’t stand each another and detested the manner in which the other one acted. Most of the time they moved toward their contention with evasion. Evasion can be described as, â€Å"denial of the contention, changing and maintaining a strategic distance from points, being hesitant, and kidding instead of managing the contention at hand†(pg. 138). They would not like to work out their disparities. Rather they decided to stay away from the subject and not manage the way that they were of an alternate race. At the point when both Gerry and Julius discovered that they would have been on a similar football crew they didn’t need to think about how conceivable it is. They were both so intolerant and difficult which brought about neither seeing the opposite side of things. It appeared to be unimaginable for these two players to become friendsâ and disregard their bigotry. As they developed as grown-ups and closer they turned into, the more they disregarded their disparities and the more they protected their kinship. They were too resolved to even think about letting their colleagues keep them down. They would end up being incredible companions and good examples for their group and the network. A significant part of the thing that matters was overwhelmed by exchange. From the start they had almost no yet after some time they had the option to become together. â€Å"Dialogue contrasts from common discussion on the grounds that in spite of the fact that you may disdain what the other individual promoters, you despite everything tune in and work to esteem the person†(pg. 232). Their abhorrences transformed into likes and their strange discussion transformed into cozy discussion. When Gerry and Julius viewed themselves as siblings they understood the amount they intended to one another and they were so regarded and glad to be a genuine companion to one another. This was unbelievable, yet the issue was that on the off chance that they needed to play football they needed to defeat these obstacles, hence not leaving them a great deal of decisions. On camp they would go through days together however neither of them put forth an attempt to get along. Their companionship was so secure and they were satisfied to such an extent that they had figured out how to conquer the racial issues and invested the energy to become more acquainted with one another. The two of them despite everything went about as though they were better than other and they weren’t going to endeavor to change this. In the event that something turned out badly they would accuse one another, or dissent, and consistently wind up quarreling and for the most part over various things. Their kinship advanced into sound, yet serious, fellowship. â€Å"The serious style of overseeing strife is gainful in the event that one contends to achieve singular objectives without crushing the other person†(pg 145). That is the reason I state Gerry and Julius kept up a sound feeling of kinship. They had grown such a bond, that they didn't plan to hurt the other. They really benefited from the different as they developed and built up their expertise on the field. By watching the kinship developing among Gerry and Julius others started to understand that having companions of an alternate race was not off-base. This likewise made Gerry and Julius’s companionship become significantly more grounded as they had a tremendous effect on the network. They saw one another and made a bond that could never be broken. Their scorn and negligence for the other because of race changed all through the film. They in the long run developed into, what is depicted by Wilmot and Hocker as, an alliance (pg 189). The alliance that they made helped the rest of the group and the network get contrasts. References Hocker, J. and Wilmot, W. (2007) _Interpersonal Conflict_. New York: McGraw Hill.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Nursing Home Administrator Essay Example for Free
The Nursing Home Administrator Essay The Nursing Home Administrator is the head of tasks at a nursing home. The position requires licensure to rehearse in a state. Singular states have various prerequisites for licensure however for the most part individuals have confirmation of satisfactory instruction, experience, understanding of direction under preceptor. The licensure assessment necessities covers essential subjects of nursing home organization with Master’s certificate or Gerontology. The Administrator oversees work force, handling of affirmations, oversees funds, and managing day to (1). There are good, instructive, and work experience prerequisites to meet before meeting with Board of Examiners of nursing home heads. The ethical character and appropriateness for licensure is an impression of the capacity for the individual expected to satisfy the obligations of nursing home executive, competency, and moral qualities. The instructive necessities incorporate a Baccalaureate or more elevated level of training remembering supplemental instructive credits for instruction for long haul care, human services, gerontology, and faculty the board from a certify instructive program. The chose instructive course is to be finished with adequate evaluations from a licensed establishment. The chose courses are to be finished inside a specific timeframe to be qualified to take Nursing Home Administrator licensure test. To meet necessities coursework, a 300 level class or higher, transcendently rich with inpatient, social insurance, and nursing home as Master’s certificate in Health Care Administrator, Health Facility Administrator requiring certain number of long stretches of field understanding or work understanding as full-time Administrator of Record in a specific timeframe preceding licensure. The work experience prerequisites incorporate finishing an a year endorsed temporary job. The full-time experience must incorporate dominatingly administrative job for occupant care, be a monetarily remunerated position, and finished in a specific timeframe. There are options in contrast to the credit hours courses in nursing home organization are at least two years inside five years as Administration of Record of nursing office, have a present five years American College of Health Care Administration affirmation (2). The licensure test prerequisites for Nursing Home Administration are culmination of the previous necessities, a finishing score on the test endorsed by the Board. The job of a nursing home overseer envelops an expansive range of duties. Relationship building abilities and successfully conveying, on different levels, appointing undertakings, directing inhabitants with the personal satisfaction and social projects accessible, and having the option to perform various tasks can be a remunerating position.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Find out What a Sports Psychologist Does
Find out What a Sports Psychologist Does Student Resources Careers Print Role of a Sports Psychologist By Elizabeth Quinn Elizabeth Quinn is an exercise physiologist, sports medicine writer, and fitness consultant for corporate wellness and rehabilitation clinics. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Quinn Updated on May 09, 2019 Priscilla Gragg/Getty Images More in Student Resources Careers APA Style and Writing Study Guides and Tips From Athletic Insight - The Online Journal of Sport Psychology A psychologist is an individual who has completed graduate training in the field of psychology and is licensed by a specific state. In some states, individuals with a masters degree can become licensed psychologists while in others a doctoral degree is required. A sports psychologist is a psychologist with expertise in the following areas: Performance enhancement through the use of psychological skills training, and performance improvement, imagery, and athletes self-talk.Issues that are specific to the psychological well-being of athletesWorking with the organizations and systems that are present in sport settingsSocial and developmental factors that influence sport participation While sports psychology is recognized as a specific field of study within the Kinesiology and Physical Education departments, it is not one of the traditional fields of practice offered by psychology graduate programs. For example, while one can obtain a graduate psychology degree with a concentration in children or substance abuse, the same can not be said of sports psychology. Although many psychology departments offer single courses in sports psychology, the opportunities for graduate-level degrees are few and far between. What Credentials Does a Sports Psychologist Need? At the present time, no credentials beyond a state license are needed in order to practice sports psychology. Ethically and practically speaking, you should have expertise in the above-mentioned areas. Division 47 (Sport and Exercise Psychology) of the American Psychological Association recently submitted a proposal for the establishment of a proficiency to the CRSPPP (Commission for the Recognition of Specialties and Proficiencies in Professional Psychology). Individuals offering sport psychology services would have to adhere to the standards set forth in this proficiency. Otherwise, they would risk being in violation of ethical guidelines which could result in the suspension and/or termination of ones license to practice. Although accreditation is not necessary, it does not mean that there are no benefits to becoming a certified sports psychologist. There are many organizations offering to certify individuals. The most reputable of these organizations is the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sports Psychology (AAASP). Designation as a Certified Consultant, AAASP carries the benefit of the possibility of being listed on the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) Sports Psychology Registry. This is a listing of individuals who are approved to work with Olympic athletes and National teams. For more information, you should visit the AAASP web site. How to Become a Sports Psychologist? Two basic qualifications are needed in order to become anything in life: education and experience. This holds true for becoming a sports psychologist as well. Sports Psychology Education The educational opportunities for working as a sports psychologist are limited. Perhaps the best way to get into a top-flight graduate program is to go to a school that offers some formalized experience in the field. If your school doesn’t have a sports psychology major, we recommend that you stick with a psychology major and try to get experience however you can. Some graduate programs in psychology offer a concentration in sports psychology. To see a listing of these, you may want to consider purchasing Directory of Graduate Programs in Applied Sports Psychology by Michael Sachs. If you are in a graduate program at a school that offers only an introductory sports psychology course but it is something that genuinely interests you, we recommend that you speak with your department chair. Ask if there is any independent study classes or independent research classes that you can take to gain further knowledge of this field. The independent research class is especially useful since it will bring you into direct contact with athletes for the purposes of performance enhancement. Sports Psychology Experience Perhaps one of the most difficult things to get in the field of sports psychology is the direct contact with athletes. You should work with a supervisor with an expertise in sports psychology and find a population to work with. There are different ways of getting experience. One way is to meet with the athletic director or their assistant to find coaches who are willing to support you. Some internship sites offer sports psychology training as part of their formal curriculum Many professional athletes and teams have realized the value of sports psychology and regularly make use of the services. However, they tend to use the well-established individual. When you start out, working with amateur and collegiate athletes is a good experience. In addition, writing is a great way to develop additional experience and to tell others about your accomplishments and areas of expertise.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Wordsworth and Into the Wild, Mans Connection with Nature
Nature is the universe, with all its phenomena, the elements of the natural world. In society there are those individuals that have an intense connection with nature. William Wordsworth, a romanticist, pantheist and transcendentalist believed that the natural world was an emblem of god or the divine and his poetry often celebrates the beauty and spiritual values of the natural world. Chris McCandless believed that nature was the essence of freedom. The module In the Wild deals with humanitys relationship with nature. It shows that nature is the cure for all humanity, the cure for all deeds and a guide to them all. Mans origins lie in nature, it is where man begun and where man will end. Both composers gain insight from nature. Nature†¦show more content†¦The Solitary Reaper is a description of a melodious sound that is heard in the atmosphere. Its mood can be described as one of relaxation, depression and gentleness. The structure, four eight-line stanzas, each closing with two couplets and all written in octosyllabic lines in iambic tetrameter, have a musical lilt. Short lines deliver the rhymes at a quick pace. Sentences normally need two or more such short lines to complete, so that few lines are strongly end-stopped, diction is conversational and often lines consist mainly of monosyllabic words. A voice so thrilling was neer heard The this quote describes how the sound of the girls voice was accepted by all who heard. The sound of the reaper was pleasurable, and indeed welcoming. This quote also shows how the voice could not be compare to any other that existed. Wordsworth uses a few literary devices to express his description so the readers could imagine themselves listening to the soothing voice of the Scottish reaper. These include hyperboles and the use of rhetorical questions and metaphors. The use of hyperboles is seen in the sentence Breaking the silence of the seas, among the farthest Hebrides. It describes the voice of the reaper as one that is so loud, that it was heard miles away from where it originally began. The use of metaphors were seen when the poet compares theShow MoreRelatedNature vs. Society: Wordsworths Romantic Poetry1646 Words  | 7 PagesNature Vs. Society: Wordsworth’s Romantic Poetry Over time, poetry has changed and evolved in its sense of the word nature. In its beginnings the idea of nature or natural was seen as negative and evil. However, in more recent times due to the era of Romanticism, nature in poetry is viewed in a positive and even beautiful light. William Wordsworth was a poet who wrote his poetry with a romantic attitude. Furthermore Wordsworth wrote specifically the poems â€Å"We Are Seven†(WAS) and â€Å"Three YearsRead More Spirituality and Nature Essay1154 Words  | 5 PagesSpirituality and Nature Praise the Lord from the earth, you great sea creatures and all ocean depths, lightning and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds that do his bidding, you mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars, wild animals and all cattle, small creatures and flying birds, kings of the earth and all nations, you princes and all rulers on earth, young men and maidens, old men and children. (Psalm 148:7-12) When considering the reading that we have done soRead MoreThe Romantic Period Of William Wordsworth948 Words  | 4 PagesBritish Literature was marked not by reason and rationalism, but by feelings, emotion, and nature. Of the writers of the Romantic era, William Wordsworth was one of the most representative, spearheading the movement by co-authoring â€Å"Lyrical Ballads†with his contemporary Samuel Coleridge. Thus, to gain a better understanding the Romantic period as a whole, it is useful to focus on the works of William Wordsworth, the period’s flagship writer. To do this, one can conduct a close reading of â€Å"Lines WrittenRead MoreComparing William Wordsworth And Samuel Taylor Coleridge And Wordsworths Poetry1487 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge are two extremely significant poets from their time. The two were famous during the Romantic Age and have remained popular names in the world of literature since then. While the subjects of their writing are different, they both focus on the beauty of nature and the â€Å"simple†things in life. The Romantic Age stressed the importance of Mother Nature, adventure, passion, and love. Although these were the topics that Coleridge and Wordsworth focused on mostRead MoreOde Of Man And Nature By William Wordsworth And Samuel Taylor Coleridge974 Words  | 4 PagesBriana Patel Humn 211 Professor Wallausser November 4, 2014 Ode to Man and Nature Romanticism was a movement in the arts that flourished in Europe and America throughout much of the 19th century from the period of the French revolution in 1789. The writers of the Romantic era admired nature and celebrated the divinity of creation. William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge were the two great poets of the Romantic period and it was the effort that they put together that created some of theRead MoreWordsworth And Shelley s On Powers And Illusions Of The Inner Imaginative Life1350 Words  | 6 Pages The Romantic period, a time that writers such as Wordsworth and Shelley focused their writing in the centre of life and social importance. An important aspect of Romanticism: its emphasis upon the power and terrors of the inner imaginative life (Watson, 2012, p. 1). The Prelude celebrates Wordsworth s life retained through memories and with the act of remembering, depicting emotions and experiences. Whereas, Shelley and the Ode to the West Wind engaged his audience with inner and outerRead MoreThe Age Of Manufacturing That Preceded The Romantic Movement1387 Words  | 6 Pagesmermaids and unicorns or God and nature, is considered meaningless since they cannot be confirmed by factual report. This all started changing when the future leaders of the enlightenment decided that we should resort to more emotional thinking. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, one of the leaders of the enlightenment observed that science was transforming Europe into unemotional machines. He says, Man was born free , but everywhere he is in chains...Let us return to nature.†(Schaeffer 154) Rousseau foresawRead MoreHistory Of English Literature II1603 Words  | 7 PagesKerri Estep Essay 2 History of English Literature II Professor O’Conner Nature: A Simple Word Jammed With Imagery William Wordsworth’s â€Å"Preface to Lyrical Ballads, with Pastoral and Other poems (1802)†and his poem â€Å"Nutting†focus on nature in order to elicit a response from the reader and provoke the senses. These romantic works use different techniques to accomplish the same purpose. Wordsworth utilizes simple language and imagery to accomplish his task. Through his writing he express himselfRead MoreTintern Abbey Essay1065 Words  | 5 PagesLife Through Nature William Wordsworth poem #8220;Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey#8221; was included as the last item in his Lyrical Ballads. The general meaning of the poem relates to his having lost the inspiration nature provided him in childhood. Nature seems to have made Wordsworth human.The significance of the abbey is Wordsworth#8217;s love of nature. Tintern Abbey representes a safe haven for Wordsworth that perhaps symbolizes a everlasting connection that man will shareRead MoreA Meaningful Romantic Period1176 Words  | 5 Pageswill discuss the trend of the Romantic period to include its characteristics, historical considerations, and sociopolitical factors. This paper will also analyze a literary example of the period titled â€Å"Lines Written in Early Spring,†by William Wordsworth. The trend of the Romantic period was such that imagination and emotion became the pillars of the romantic’s reason for being; not only within oneself, but also in the way the world was viewed (â€Å"Romanticism†). Artists, musicians, and literary authors
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Market Entry and Concentration Ratios, Impacts of Keystone Holdings Free Essay Example, 3000 words
Advanced Ceramics Business has facilities in Europe, North America, South America, and Asia. As originally structured, the assets acquired by Keystone would have included the Latrobe facility and other assets relating to the manufacture and sale of alumina wear tiles. On December 2, 2010, however, in an effort to resolve competitive concerns relating to the original transaction, Keystone and Saint-Gobain amended their agreement to exclude from the sale Saint-Gobain's North American alumina wear tile business. Advanced ceramics is a subsidiary of Saint-Gobain and the parent company is present in almost 64 countries. Advanced ceramics' sales revenue differs largely from country to country but the main source is North America with around 1 billion dollars (Ceramics and plastics). Its revenue in 2009 was 153.3 million in the Check Republic and 8.7 million euro in central and northern Europe (2009). Saint Gobain s net sales figures are 37,786 euros in 2009 and 43800 euros in 2008. The company earns 42% of the income from North America. The easiness with which a new firm can enter into an existing industry determines the structure of the market. In oligopoly markets, it is very difficult for new firms to enter and compete with existing firms. We will write a custom essay sample on Market Entry and Concentration Ratios, Impacts of Keystone Holdings or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page The size of the investment necessary to enter the market is substantial in relation to the size of the overall markets. In addition, the uncertainty that an entrant could secure the distribution necessary to make the investment profitable is highly unlikely.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Maker Free Essays
Fees Payment System of Red Link Institute of Science and Technology: A proposed study toward computerized Payment System Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the Study The technology today plays a vital role in our society. It makes man work easier and fast. It lessens error of work by using machines. We will write a custom essay sample on Maker or any similar topic only for you Order Now It reduces costs to an organization from paper works up to computerized working system. Many manual transactions can be computerized by using software applications or computer systems to make work easier and efficient. It also helps human to solve and understand complex problem and analysis such us the computational need of humans. Payroll is an example of a complex transaction because it is a critical business operation dealing with numerous accounts and produce plenty and confidential files. Applying manual procedure on a Payroll transaction involving the vast beat answer in that problem would be computer because computers can simulate enormous data and can process complex transaction in a fast and efficient way. It can generate numerous accounts and data accurately. A Computerized Payment System will not only provide accurate calculation and fast process of Payroll transaction but it will secure data through security implementation and accordingly arrange files provided by a well designed database that will produce a paperless environment. Statement of the Problems The common problem of the study is how to improve the manual processing system of monitoring of student fees payment of The Red Link Institute of Science and Technology. 1. Time consuming process for the payment The Red Link Institute of Science and Technology still using the manual method of fees payment process. A lot of jobs are assigned to the payroll maker and accounting clerk, with cause’s inconvenience to their services. In this method, it will need more time and manpower to complete the payroll of each employee. 2. Laborious payment process Nobody could admit the inescapable fact that what makes the manual procedure take a long time to finish the task is due to the many steps and processes to undergo. There is the collection of data such as DTR, REMITTANCES, and individual manual calculation of payroll. Individual data is transferred through sheets, encoding and double checking after calculating. All this process requires labor and effort to complete the task. 3. Misposting and understating of employee’s data The logical process of manual procedure result to too much time consumption. It often times result in misposting and understating of each employees data of plenty of files that is hard to accommodate. Objectives of the Study This study is intended to design and develop a Computerized Payment System for Red Link Institute of Science and Technology. Specifically, this study aims: 1†¢ To minimize the effort of the User in processing the Payment Form. 2†¢ To make an efficient and accurate computation of Payment. 3. To create a well-arranged database and to implement strong security of the system for data security. Significance of the Study The proposed system will help the accounting section. It will help to lessen the time and effort of the School staff preparing payments of Students. The System develop can accommodate changing figures and produce a paperless environment through well design database. To Proponents This study will help the proponents to enhance the ability on how to create an understandable computerized system in an easy way. This will serve to the proponents as a challenge to do a better system. To the other Researcher This study gives knowledge to the researcher on how to create a Computerized System in understandable way. This will serve as a fresh ground for the researcher whose study will be related in the field of Information Technology. How to cite Maker, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Strategic Management And Economic Geography -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Strategic Management And Economic Geography? Answer: Introduction There exist extremely high barriers to entry in the food retail market because of various factors. At first, organized retail is regarded as the most sophisticated sector in the Czech Republic and is having the requirement for a lot of investment, in addition to major brand development that will be taking years of establishment. Moreover, retail is considered to be at an advanced stage within Czech Republic stating that there is very limited opportunity in respect of new entrants for establishing themselves. There is an extreme importance of local information within the food retail sector, something that is considered challenging in respect of the foreign organizations to imitate. The corroboration of this is done through the existence of few international supermarkets within Czech Republic. The retail market is highly competitive having a very crowded market. In the current scenario, increasing number of organizations are trying to make an entry into the non-food sectors, which is d oing the intensification of the competition further. In the chosen market of Czech Republic, Sainsbury might be having a steady increase due to its programme related to the aspect of restructuring Rationale for selecting the Czech Republic market This country is regarded to be highly democratic as well as liberal but there is also the existence of a little bit of old conservatism. Moreover, there is the existence of a high corruption level, particularly within the political parties. This might be resulting in giving rise to unfair advantages as well as practices that are uncompetitive within the environment of the business. It is also necessary to do the mentioning that the country is part of the EU but isnt the part of the monetary union, meaning that the acceptance of the euro currency have yet not been done by the country (Foss 2013). Due to this aspect, at the time of economic crisis in 2008, people did not receive that much impact in comparison to the other EU countries. Economical As per the statistical reports, the average salary of the Czech Republic is considered to be 750/month. The minimum wage is considered to be 8,500 Czech koruna per month, amounting to 293. The population is spending 15% of the yearly income on food and the major percentages of individuals are having price-oriented. They try to seek an optimum value in a regular manner with the help of advertised discounts as well as special offers. In the current scenario, the countrys rate of unemployment is standing at 7.8%, and Czech Republic is having low labour costs when compared with the Western European countries that are considered good in respect of the foreign investors (Collings 2014). Socio-cultural Czech Republic is considered being a highly educated country that is among the top of OECD countries. There is growing interest towards the supermarket culture. Majority of the consumers are still very much sensitive towards the price of the products. The shopping in retail chains however is steadfastly developing. There has also been a significant growth in the popularity of breakfast cereals by the children, which increased the percentage of purchase in a significant manner. However, there isnt a wider range of morning cereals in the Czech market as the supermarkets are mostly offering sweet cereals in respect of the children (Brannen 2014). Technological The infrastructure of Czech Republic is having the 19th rank in respect of quality within the EU. This ranking is because of the low standard secondary roads all over the country, but developments are taking place. For instance, a motorway was made in the country in 2014, having a distance of 283 km. This helped to make more areas in the country increasingly accessible. This has given rise to significant developments in the transportation of goods throughout the country. There is the rich heritage of techniques as well as low entry barriers in the retail business that is intensifying the competition. Being an EU member, the Czech Republic is having specific advantages concerning trade. For instance, there isnt the existence of any regulations or restrictions to import or export foods inside and outside the country from the other EU countries due to the free goods movement. There is the application of particular rules in respect of trading, like the aspect of making sure the safety related with the food products as well as appropriately cataloguing every items that has been traded. These are associated with the aspect of ensuring smooth product transferring (Wheelen 2017). Environmental The countrys government is taking the accountability to do the improvement of environmental sustainability. The Czech population were not considered to be friendly with the environment but in the current years, there is occurring the changes in the attitudes of the various individuals. Individuals have commenced the work of separating the waste in respect of recycling, as well as various campaigns in respect of environmentally friendly behavioural aspect were running within the country (Daspit 2017). Due to this, there has occurred the increase in recycling process within the Czech Republic from 1% to 16% within the span of ten years and is still having a steadfast growth as well as there has been the implementation of landfill taxes within the country. Because of this, there has been an increase in the popularity of products that are considered being environmentally friendly. Eco-friendly consumerism is on rising slowly but surely (Peppard 2014). There is still additional requiremen t towards the measure for preserving the resources as well as environmental conditions. Analysis of the opportunities and threats in Sainsburys industrial environment To analyse the opportunities and threats relating to the industrial environment of Sainsbury in the Czech Republic market, a relevant model or framework like the 5-forces analysis is taken into consideration. Porters Five Forces Analysis for Sainsbury Competitive Rivalry The retail market is highly competitive having a very crowded market. In the current scenario, increasing number of organizations are trying to make an entry into the non-food sectors, which is doing the intensification of the competition further. In the chosen market of Czech Republic, Sainsbury might be having a steady increase due to its programme related to the aspect of restructuring. This is considered being a positive trend although it is lagging behind Tesco, another supermarket chain that is considered being a market leader. The other supermarket chains such as Tesco, Morrison as well as ASDA are having their presence in the retail sector of Czech Republic. Each of these supermarket chains are having varied competitive advantages over the other competitive brands (Johns 2015). However, the reach in the convenience stores of Sainsbury will be assisting it in having a larger reach of customers in the Czech Republic. Barriers for entry There exist extremely high barriers to entry in the food retail market because of various factors. At first, organized retail is regarded as the most sophisticated sector in the Czech Republic and is having the requirement for a lot of investment, in addition to major brand development that will be taking years of establishment (McFarlin 2016). Moreover, retail is considered to be at an advanced stage within Czech Republic stating that there is very limited opportunity in respect of new entrants for establishing themselves. There is an extreme importance of local information within the food retail sector, something that is considered challenging in respect of the foreign organizations to imitate. The corroboration of this is done through the existence of few international supermarkets within Czech Republic (Deresky 2017). There occurs moderate threat from the potential entrants. This threat is considered being limited since the established organizations are having cost advantages that are not available in respect of the new entrants. Moreover, the rise of online brands in respect of grocery retail might also be regarded as a potential market entrant (Armstrong 2015). Threat of Substitutes The risk of substitutes within the retail industry for food is considered being low, due to the fact that customers are viewing it to be a necessary requirement, particularly in the developed countries such as Czech Republic. The retail market always try converging as well as assimilating innovations that are considered being new in regard to the food products or alternative businesses, for making the experience of shopping to be a highly pleasurable experience. This will be making them highly challenging for substituting. The only significant threat of substitutes is considered to be an internal industry threat in which one supermarket will be lapping up the business of the other supermarkets (Bettis 2016). Within the retail market, the risk of substitution is extremely less regarding food products and medium for non-food items. The ultimate substitutes are considered to be the convenience stores that Sainsbury is aiming towards annihilating through the opening of 50-100 convenience shops every year. There is also the rise in standards of competition due to the option of online marketing (Najaf 2017). Buyer Power There is the existence of a high buyer power within the retail industry simply because of the existence of so many competitive brands doing the sale of similar products. The only differentiation occurs regarding the aspect of price as well as the loyalty of the customers. In addition, there is the existence of a low switching cost in respect of the customers. When the economy will be going more and more towards recession, the requirements of the customers will be given more emphasis, which will be resulting in the increase of their power in a considerable manner (Cavusgil 2014). The buyers are having the option of selecting from a number of varied products when there is the requirement for buying the products. The campaigns relating to the comparison of prices are having an impact on the extent of the bargaining power regarding the buyers. In respect of the buyers, it can be stated that the advancement of technology will always be facilitating the customers switching from one brand to another, since one of the key aspects is that the buyers are always focusing on the low price of the products. Supplier Power Supplier power is generally having more complications since it is considered having the difficulty for getting categorised. There is a mutually dependent association as the suppliers are themselves regarded as huge organizations such as PG, Unilever, Cadbury and so on, having a considerable appeal regarding their brands (Carraher 2015). It needs to be stated that if supermarkets are not able to do the selling of their products, then the customers will be shifting their loyalty towards other brands, which will give huge power on the hands of the suppliers. On the other hand, when the products from the big organizations will not be reaching the supermarkets, there will occur a huge negative impact on their sales volume. There might occur a change in the relationship based on the big branded suppliers situation. Also, the supplier power regarding the smaller suppliers will not be taken into consideration since their volume of sales in depending upon the supermarkets. The incurring of cost in respect of switching between the suppliers is considered being low. As a result, organizations like Sainsbury can easily do the switching. For reaching 75% of the grocery market in Czech Republic, suppliers are required working with one of Czech Republics four biggest supermarkets such as Morrisons, ASDA, Sainsbury or Tesco. The suppliers are having very less bargaining power, so that the supermarkets are efficiently dictating the business terms (Peteraf 2014). Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses in Sainsburys internal environment VRIO Based Competencies Analysis regarding Sainsbury The VRIO criteria is used for assessing the capabilities of the company that will be providing a sustainable competitive advantage. These are regarded as Value, Rarity, Inimitability and Organization. The primary question associated with the framework will be asking whether a resource will be adding value by enabling Sainsbury for exploiting opportunities or defending against threats. When the answer appears in affirmative, then a resource is regarded being valuable. Resources are also considered being valuable when they will assist Sainsbury for increasing the perceived value of the customers. This occurs through the increase in the aspect of differentiation or through the decrease in the product price. It is essential for undertaking continuous review relating to the resource value since continuous change relating to the internal or external situations will be making them less precious (Somsuk 2014). The quality, ethical aspect as well as hundred percent local meat as well as fresh food sourcing will be adding to the superior value towards the value proposition that Sainsbury is offering in respect of its customers. The electric vehicles that are being used in respect of home delivery as well as the utilization of solar power energy within its stores is considered being a major addition of value. Complete ownership of its bank for delivering the financial products in an effective in comparison to its competitors is adding values as well (Hill 2014). The private labels of Sainsbury such as TU regarding the clothing segment as well as Taste the Difference will be adding great value as well. Resources that can be achieved by a single or very few organizations are regarded as rare. Rare as well as valuable resources are granting competitive advantages on a temporary basis. The acquiring of resources that can only be done by an organization is regarded to be having rarity. Resources that are considered to be rare as well as valuable will be granting competitive advantage temporarily. However, the circumstance when more than few organizations are having similar resources or using the ability in a similar manner, will be leading towards the aspect of comparative parity (Gomes 2016). Student Loyalty Card / Sainsbury Meal Ticket Sainsbury did the introduction of Sainsbury Meal Ticket in respect of the students. It is coming in the form of two cards as well as the concept regarding this is parents will have one card as well as another card the children will be having. Parents will be having the option of loading money to the card, which is approx. 750, as well as the individual with another Child card will be having the scope of using them exclusively in the stores of Sainsbury (Galliers 2014). An effective and constructive customer loyalty with Sainsbury Brand The organization is considered being a 144 year old strong brand that is famous for its consistent supermarket selling quality, which is associated with the aspect of providing fresh as well as tasty food from a long time. The brand value of Sainsbury is built on the image of the brand. In addition, the senior management of the company is considered being inimitable in respect of Sainsbury. Organization The final aspect is associated with the questions as to whether the important resources, which are considered being rare or inimitable are having proper organization for the achievement of maximum contribution level from it towards the actualization of a higher growth level (Barney 2014). From the perspective of analyzing the performance regarding Sainsbury, it has been evaluated that the higher manager productivity has assisted in allowing the overall company to achieve the leading position in the entire world. Taking into consideration the major growth level as well as reputation in the global market in respect of Sainsbury provides the indication that the resource organization of the company has been made in an effective way (Rothaermel 2015). The organizational resources as well as core competencies are organized in an efficient manner at Sainsbury and are regarded as the major factor of contribution for the accomplishment of increased overall growth. Various modes of entry available to Sainsbury and the most suitable one for global expansion The various modes of entry in the foreign market for Sainsbury are mentioned as under, This is considered to be the method to sell products as well as services whose production is done in one country and sold in another country. Exporting might be occurring directly or indirectly. Under direct exporting, an organization capitalizes on economies of scale regarding production concentrated in the home country, establishing an appropriate process to do the organization of export functions as well as do the procurement of foreign sales. On the other hand, indirect export does the involvement of conducting the process of exporting via intermediaries that are domestically based (Goetsch 2014). The exporter is not having control over the product in the foreign market. The advantages of this mode of entry in the foreign market is that it assists in the process of surplus distribution, it is less expensive, is having less risk, and assists in accessing the market faster. The disadvantages are that there exists high cost for start-ups regarding direct exports, the exporter having less or no control regarding product distribution and conducting export via the intermediaries of export does the increasing of the product cost (Hood 2016). Joint Venture The organizations are using this strategic aspect for making an entry into a foreign market through the process of joining hands as well as sharing ownership as well as management with another organization. It is used when two or more organizations are interested in achieving certain common goals as well as doing the expansion of global operations (Jackson 2014). The common goals are foreign market entry, development of joint product, sharing of technologies as well as conforming to the regulations of the government. The advantages of this mode of entry are there is technological competence, optimum resource utilization as well as partners having the ability for learning from one another (Rocha 2016). The disadvantages of this mode of entry are that it might be costly, management conflicts might occur, as well as stability relating to cultural as well as political aspects might be posing a risk relating to the aspect of conducting successful operations. Outsourcing This is regarded as a cost effective strategic aspect that the organizations are using for reducing the costs through the transfer of certain portions of work to outside suppliers rather than doing an internal completion. It will be including the aspects of contracting that are domestic as well as foreign and off-shoring as well. The advantages of outsourcing as a entry mode strategy are associated with the aspect of reducing the costs, sharing of risks, and concentrating on key process rather than the supporting ones. The disadvantages of outsourcing are having the absence of customer focus, costs that are considered being hidden as well as the threat of exposing confidential data (Nahavandi 2016). Franchising This is the process where semi-independent owners of business are paying fees as well as royalty to a parent organization in return for the identification of the right by its trademark, for selling its products or services as well as using its format or method regarding business (Gomes 2016). The advantages regarding this mode of entry is that it is having less risks, have staffs that are highly motivated as well as having the advantage of proficiency regarding the franchisers. The disadvantages regarding this mode of entry is that it is difficult to maintain trade secrets, franchisees might turn out to be a competitor in the future and a wrong franchisee might be ruining an organizations name as well as reputation (Morschett 2015). Foreign Direct Investment This is a mode to have an entry in the foreign market via investment. Investment might be done directly or indirectly via the financial establishments. Foreign Direct Investment does the influencing of the patterns of investment regarding the economy as well as assisting in the increase of overall growth. The advantages associated with this mode of entry is that is considered being an easier entry mode as well as there can occur modifications anytime. The disadvantages of this mode of entry is that the policies of the government might not be supportive and there might occur a low return on investment (Somsuk 2014). Taking into consideration the above mentioned mode of entry strategies the most appropriate mode of entry, which will be enabling the strategic global expansion to be successful for Sainsbury is considered to be franchising. This is because this mode of entry will assist the firm in various ways such as having less risks, having staffs that are highly motivated as well as having the advantage of proficiency regarding the franchisers. Conclusion The retail market is very competitive having a very crowded market. In the current scenario, increasing number of organizations are trying to make an entry into the non-food sectors, which is doing the intensification of the competition further. In the chosen market of Czech Republic, Sainsbury might be having a steady increase due to its programme related to the aspect of restructuring. This is considered being a positive trend although it is lagging behind Tesco, another supermarket chain that is considered being a market leader. 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